Why we Love Moms

Welcome to the first edition of Where we Stand, an article released every Wednesday from your very own webmaster and one of BabyLove's originators. I will be using this space to share insight into the development of our business concept, reasoning behind certain decisions we've made and to hopefully spark conversation among our community and followers. Please comment with any responses you might have, we can't wait to hear from you! 

To begin I would like to talk a little bit about why we love moms!

You may be wondering why BabyLove has chosen to focus its efforts on serving new mothers and moms-to-be. Isn’t everyone worthy of healthy skin care? Aren't there separate demographics with a similar interest in trying natural products? We believe the answer to these questions is YES, and we hope our site does not discriminate against any individual looking for a cosmetic revolution. Yet at this moment it is clear our primary consideration goes out to mothers, and we have decided this is an important stance for several reasons:

An Unmatched Consciousness
Nothing will alter your mentality quite like having a child in your life. Suddenly you are no longer living for yourself alone, but are responsible for looking after another. Moms are in need of safe options for skin care to protect their families from harmful chemical ingredients, and from what we've found there are few resources that wholly satisfy this need. While some websites will explain the hazards of cosmetic use and others provide natural alternatives, they are sparse and are unable to address every angle of the issue. A mother's concern for safety should be met with thorough and transparent guidance. 

Leaders of the Next Generation
Mothers are also charged with the difficult task of preparing our generations to become successful inheritors of the future. If mothers lead healthy lifestyles, chances are similar morals of self-importance and environmental awareness will be imparted to their children. BabyLove will make it easy to find a risk-free regimen for moms and their families, so our growing generation can continue a more sustainable tradition.

Looking for a Helping Hand
In addition, moms are often pressed for time and deterred by high priced cosmetics that lack a guarantee for their effectiveness. Moms, do you agree? BabyLove was designed keeping these issues in mind. We believe mothers should have a quality service that meets their needs efficiently, they deserve only the best!

Moms are awesome, inspirational and... always right. We want these ladies to have tools that make life easier and healthier, for themselves and their kids. And to BabyLove, not many things are more important than that.

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